Thursday, September 16, 2010

i've got some time between classes so i'll start a post...prob won't be able to get everything in before i have to start my next class.

so...after we had the meal (from the last post) our two korean friends took us to a supermarket to get a few grocery items that we would need for the next 24 hrs....just some cereal, milk, yogurt, spoons with bears on them, etc.  as we walked through town, which is a big city minus the skyscrapers, everyone stared at us and some older kids tried to talk...but all they could say was "hi".  several of the girls in school uniforms kept telling our guides that jessica was very beautiful.  we felt like celebrities.  next we went back to the hotel and quickly fell asleep.  i woke up at 3am...still trying to adjust to the time difference.  i checked my mail and ate some Special K.  after using the restroom and looking for the handle to flush, i tried a button on the side which instead of flushing sent a very firm stream of water into my man parts.  They're OK, don't worry.  i guess that is for when you're sitting on the toilet and want to wipe with pressurized water.  so i went back to sleep and woke up again at 5ish. 

our korean friends picked us up at the hotel at 7:40ish and we went to school for the first time.  everyone was very excited to see us, especially the children.  they all wanted to stand beside me and compare height, and rub the hair on my arms.  apparently korean men don't grow hair anywhere but their head.  we met my other co-teacher Suzy, who took jessica and I to Andong for a medical exam for new teachers.  it wasn't a big deal, just weighed, measured height, chest xray, urine cup, and drew blood.  we were back on the road in about 30 min. 

ok, gotta get ready for class.  more to come tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! It sounds like y'all are having fun getting adjusted! I'm sure it's fun being around the children all day. Jessica - congratulations on the job! We sent you some pictures, but I think it was to Jessica's email (we got it from your dad). Do you have a mailing address? If so e-mail it to us

    -- Josh & Jordan
