In case you were beginning to think this is strictly an "American culture-bashing" blog....
When Jessica and I were living in Greenville, one of our favorite things was driving. Somewhere. Anywhere. We would just go explore. Try to get lost. We would take off to Asheville with a mattress in the back of my truck. The Blue Ridge Parkway is the most eerily quiet place in the world at 2am. At the Craggy Gardens parking lot, there are no artificial lights to hide the millions of stars that otherwise go unnoticed. In those two weeks between the wedding and leaving for Korea, we spotted 8 shooting stars in one night on the Parkway.
One night, we decided to drive to the beach. We sat on the sand and watched the stars for about an hour. The sky slowly grew pink and purple. The sun peaked over the horizon. And then we drove 4 hours back home.
It's just what we do.
Korea is different. We walk everywhere we can. If we go further than Homeplus, we're at the mercy of train schedules and bus routes. It's really put a cramp in our style. But now we've got a bicycle, and we've gained a feeling of independence. Being able to get oneself from point A to point B without depending on someone or something else is a feeling I never take for granted. I feel like more of an adult.
Now if I could only find some baseball cards to put in the spokes.
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