Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Made in Taiwan. Part II

People who enjoy making others laugh by relaying the situations they find themselves in, would pay good money for this type of scenario.
It was Sunday afternoon.  Mother’s Day.  Jessica and I had motor-biked to Baisha Beach.  Southern Taiwan. 

          Blue sky.  Puffy white clouds.  Clear ocean water.

To our right was a crusty old man.  Alone.  He looked American. 

To our left was a group of 12 Chinese men.  Young.  Stylish.  Obviously fashion conscious.

Right: The old man grumbles something.  Probably cursing the strong sea-breeze for blowing his box of Oreos into the sand.

Left: 12 pairs of pants hit the sand to reveal Speedo-esque bathing suits.  Everyone has a different color...all pastels of course (it’s Spring).

Right: Crusty old man spreads out his towel in the sun, and lays down assuming a position that people his age and body type should never attempt in public.

Left: Sun screen time.  They all buddy up, applying SPF 30 to one another.  And giggling.

Right: There go the Oreos.  Again.  Grumble.

Left: Half the group skips to the volleyball net behind us, slapping playfully at the ball (and each other).  The other half, after checking their hair and adjusting their Louis Vuitton sunglasses, prance to the water to have a tickle fight in the surf.

Right: Still grumbling to himself, the awkward man straps on his goggles and waddles down to the water, where he lays face down.  Floating.  No movement.  Several children gather, point, and take pictures.

Left: They take turns rolling around on the waters edge, letting the small waves splash them, while the others snap photographs.  

              ...and at just the right moment...

A tan Labrador Retriever enters the circle of pastel man-love, and interrupts the photo shoot by dropping a turd he's apparently been holding for two weeks...and just keeps walking.



  1. Where are the PICTURES?! Sounds so funny... Sam

  2. Actually, they did ask me to take a group picture of them before they left. I felt like the biggest pervert.
