Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Gettin' Down to Business

"In Winter, Hammerfest is a thirty-hour ride by bus
from Oslo, though why anyone would want to go there
in winter is a question worth considering.  It is on the
edge of the world, the northernmost town in Europe,
as far from London as London is from Tunis, a place of dark
and brutal winters, where the sun sinks into the Arctic
Ocean in November and does not rise again for ten weeks."

from Neither Here Nor There: Travels in Europe

These are the first words I read from travel author Bill Bryson.  I've been smitten ever since.  One of my dreams is to write a travel book about my own experiences abroad.  

Well, I'm not getting any younger.  And our time in Asia is quickly passing.  8 1/2 months down; 6 1/2 to go.  So I've decided to take a break from my blog and spend the month of June making a major dent in the beginnings of my story.  But don't worry. Korea will continue.  Jessica has agreed to take the reigns and treat you to her photos of Korea.

See you in July!

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