
 Chris White is an American film maker who has also worked as a high school drama teacher, ad agency creative director, university cinema professor, and improvisational comedy performer.  On top of that, he's also a husband and dad.  Chris is currently pursuing an MFA in Film Studies and Screenwriting while imagining and creating live theater and micro-budget films.  His latest project TAKEN IN is a feature length film set to be released in spring 2011.  You can find him at ChrisWhiteHQ.

Jessica Hollingsworth is an American English teacher and photographer in South Korea.  In a past life Jessica was a manager in a Chick-fil-A restaurant.  When she isn't teaching Korean children the ABC's of life, Jessica enjoys photographing unsuspecting old people, arm wrestling, and making her husband's blog look really good.
Jake Hollingsworth is an American English teacher and writer living in Yeongju, South Korea.  A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away Jake was a bank teller, restaurant manager, and barista.  When he finally got his head on straight, Jake married his best friend and two weeks later took an extended honeymoon to Asia.