Friday, October 29, 2010

another sample...

Below is a sample from another story i'm writing, A Lesson in Life:  ...from a kindergarten point of view.

I came to Korea to teach English.  Teacher.  Not student.  I was placed in Buseok Elementary School.  Buseok is a little community on the outskirts of Yeongju.  The morning and afternoon drives through the valley of apple farms and rice fields are a writer's dreamland of inspiration.  Especially in the harvest season.  Autumn is something special in Korea.  The rice fields produce a color display that puts the early November Appalachian foliage to shame.  The Gingko trees that line the two-lane highway between Yeongju and Buseok yield leaves of pure gold, unmatched by the old Bradford Pear that used to stand in my parent's yard.  Each day when I see the old women, clad in gloves, rubber boots, and large-brimmed hats, who have no concept of the term "retirement", stretching on the side of the road in preparation to pick apples, rice, grapes, or whatever the day's harvest may be, I can't help but think "there's a story."  Children stand waiting at the end of a long dirt road for the school bus to take them away.  They must have something to say about their adventures in the fields surrounding the small traditional Asian house behind them in the distance.

But the school never fails to remain in its place, and I arrive just as I've always done every day before.  I have a desk.  I have a computer.  I have a classroom and my own personal heater.  I have Facebook and email.  The previous twenty-five minutes do not exist.  It's as if I'm waking  up from a dream that I immediately forget.


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