Sunday, October 3, 2010

a few changes....

As I'm sure you've already noticed, I made a few changes to the blog.  First, the look is a bit different.  A little brighter.  A little cleaner.  I like it.  Second, I'm making a commitment to myself to write more often, and more regular.  I've found myself quite often not wanting to post anything new here because nothing funny happened in the past few days.  Its not everyday in the school cafeteria that a kid laughs so hard that kimchi comes out of his nose.  Nor is it a regular occurrence that another male teacher at my school says to me with very broken English "I want to get alone with you."  (He wanted some one-on-one time to practice his English...I think.)  Bless his heart.  So I made the decision to use this blog for its original purpose: to keep everyone at home up to date with our daily lives on the other side of the world.  If nothing funny happens, nothing funny is posted.  Just the facts ma'am, just the facts.  So I hope you continue to read, be intrigued, and eventually leave everything you've ever known and move to the far east.  We'll leave the light on for ya'.

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