Wednesday, October 27, 2010

still confused....part ll

as happens often when teaching children, somebody starts crying.  usually its me, but sometimes its the students.  and at first glance its apparently for no good reason.  probably something trivial like little girl A "borrowed" little girl B's Pokemon pencil.  yesterday in my 2nd grade class, a little boy was crying and judging from his facial expressions he was upset with another boy.  he kept saying something in between sobs and sniffs, but of course i'm clueless as to what's going on.  its time to start class.  everyone is listening intently to whats going on, so i obviously can't start the lesson.  i go next door to my co-teacher's classroom to get some interpretation.  she talks to them, then turns to me and laughs...i knew it was something stupid.  apparently one of the boys had taken the crying boy's cards (sort of like trading/game cards with robots and things like that on them) and flushed it down the toilet at recess.  even on the other side of the world, that's the kind of catastrophe that can bring a little boy's world crashing down.

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