Thursday, October 14, 2010


its thursday.  thursday is kindergarten day.  my favorite.  kindergarten children have no reason to want to learn English.  they would rather pick their nose......which is exactly what they do.  in the month that we've been here, today was only the second time i've had to teach them.  it was two times too many.  I got a lot of help from my native co-teacher sophy.  actually she taught the class for me.  i got to observe how you teach children that small a foreign language.  and here's the secret: speak 99% of the time in their native language, korean, and 1% in the target language, english.  of course you see the problem.  oh well.  it is what it is. 

Jessica and I are going to Seoul this weekend for my birthday.  starbucks, english movie, outback (if we can find it.)  I'm excited.  i shaved my beard lastnight so maybe i can convince people its my 22nd birthday instead of my 29th. 

as i type this, there's a second grade student that walked into my classroom.  she's standing beside my desk and staring at me.  i asked her if she wanted a beer but i got no response.  maybe she doesn't understand me.

anyway, back to the update.  i'm going to try to relate a very funny least i find it funny.  on monday when i went to the men's room outside of the administration office, all of the urinals apparently had some air built up in the pipes, or something like that.  they are also motion-sensored flushers.  so when i walk up to do what i gotta do, the motion sensor was triggered and it flushed as i was standing there.  not a problem, as this is what it usually does.  only this time, as i mentioned above, there is air in the pipes.  so the flush projected urinal water on my pants.  it was clean water though.  right.  so now every day after monday i've been paranoid about the explosive flushing.  so the routine is: approach the urinal, unzip, extract the equipment, begin to release muscle pressure......and it starts to flush.  i have gotten myself into the habit of jumping back at this moment.  let me remind you that at this moment the aforementioned equipment is getting some fresh air, and the bathroom is right outside of the principal's office.  so i'm sure you can imagine the scene when the toilet begins to flush (and i'm still paranoid about it splashing me), i'm about to release, and the door opens.......

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