Tuesday, October 26, 2010

still confused

we've been here close to two months now.  life is normal.  we get up.  we go to work. we come home. we chill for a while, and we go to bed.  its a predictable day actually.  i hate that, but at the same time its nice and familiar.  no suprises.  there are a few things however, that still confuse me to no end.  for instance, my 4th period class did not show up today.  i don't know why.  this isn't the first time, and i'm certain it won't be the last.  i'm confused as to why this happens and i'm not informed.  don't get me wrong, i'm not complaining.  i only have a few more ounces of patience to go around.  but i'm confused.  another example was last saturday night when jessica and i were at homeplus.  we had a cart full of groceries and a few miscellanious items...two couch pillows to be exact.  when it came our turn to check out, for some reason we couldn't by the pillows.  again, this isn't the first time, and i'm certain it won't be the last.  the cashier repeated the same phrase in korean multiple times, each time making zero sense to either of us (we don't speak korean....somebody please tell her).  apparently she was stating the reason that we couldn't buy the pillows, but i haven't the slightest idea why.  seemed like a normal business transaction to me.  a third example of korean life that has me stumped is the toilet system.  and by toilet system, i mean there are no toilets.  there are holes in the ground that flush, but squatting is involved.  in my experience when you add bowel movements, squatting, and pants around the ankles, the result is one less pair of pants.  its a very precise art that i haven't mastered yet. 

don't worry, i still have all of the pants i came to korea with...plus one.

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