Sunday, October 3, 2010

Asian Beatles....

I got my hair cut.  I can't remember when the last time was.  So I was understandably a bit nervous.  I always hate getting my hair cut...its too traumatic.  So Jessica and I walked downtown and studied two different was a salon for men.  inside were younger women cutting hair.  they looked like they knew what they were doing.  the second option was two doors down, a salon with mostly women customers, and stylish looking women stylists.  given that this was my first haircut in the eastern hemisphere, I opted for option #2...the stylish looking women.  they couldn't mess this up too bad.  20 min later, I looked like a cross between an Asian school girl and Paul McCartney (circa. 1963).

Yesterday Jessica and I were walking around town taking a few photographs, just being lazy.  We had been out for a while and were headed back to the apartment.  We had noticed a broken chair on the curb.  Koreans, at least the ones in Yeongju, leave their trash on the curb for pickup.  Occasionally we have scored some really cool things people have thrown out (table, mirror, etc.).  Normally we wait for nightfall to retrieve the items we spotted during the day, just to make sure that they are indeed trash.  Yesterday, there was no mistaking that this particular BROKEN chair was somebody's garbage.  So I told Jessica that we should just go ahead and carry it home.  Hesitation.  After some gentle persuading, Jessica made a move for the chair.  Not 3 1/2 seconds later some elderly Korean woman is shouting at us.  We both looked at each other.  (Side note: What i don't understand about some people here is that when it is obvious even to a deaf and blind person that we don't understand what someone is saying, they continue to speak Korean, as if we'll eventually get it.)  Long story short, we were stealing her chair, her BROKEN chair sitting on the curb next to the trash bags....well, one of us was stealing it.  so Jessica put it down and we went on our way.

Homeplus sells ninja swords and the sporting goods section.

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