Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Sorry.  I've been sort of busy so i've neglected to give you updates from Korea.  its tuesday morning and my 2nd period class was cancelled for some reason.  As is usually the case, i'm clueless as to why my students are not here, but i'm enjoying it nonetheless.  This past weekend Jessica and I went to Seoul to spend a night for my birthday.  we rode the bus saturday morning.  when we arrived we made our way across the city on the subway to our guesthouse/hostel.  it was a very nice place, sort of like a college dorm, but we were able to get a private room instead of the larger community bunkbed style rooms.  after checking in, we went back out into the city and found an outback steakhouse and starbucks...a couple of very nice indulgences to celebrate my 29th.  we explored the city most of the night, then headed back to get some sleep around 12:30am.

the next day we got up and check out and caught the subway towards Gyeongbukgung (the palace you can see from our previous trip to Seoul in my FB pics).  We happened upon it at just the right time, as the Guard was changing.  After that we hit Starbucks again (for the 3rd time in less than 24 hrs).  The Starbucks in this area of town has to be my favorite of all time.  it was 4 stories high and the top floor was a rooftop patio overlooking the city.  we wanted to stay longer but had to catch the bus for the 2.5 hr ride home.

back at school on monday, i was teaching my students the new vocabulary words for the week.  one verb we were learning was "sit".  koreans pronounce the "s" as "sh", so i'm sure you can imagine what happened when i taught them the verb sit...12 children all yelling "shit! shit! shit!"   sorry if those words are offensive to some readers, and i don't normally use them, but i had to try my hardest not to laugh out loud at them in class.  it was even harder not to roll in the floor laughing when i told them "no", and they persisted with more urgency because for all they knew, they were pronouncing the word correctly, and were certain that i was mistaken in telling them they were wrong. 

so another week has begun, and i'm already counting down to the weekend.  so goes the 9 to 5.....

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